Churches - Salem United Church

Location: River John - Sunrise Trail
Services: Sunday 11:00 a.m.
Manse Telephone: (902) 351 - 2629
Church Hall Telephone: (902) 351-2833


Rev. John Mitchell founded Salem United Church, River John, in 1808. The first building that belonged to the congregation of Salem, was located on the crest of the hill, leading to the Mitchell Cemetery. It was built in 1823. The present church was built in 1870, at a cost of $4800.00. In order to cover the building costs, funds were raised by selling church pews. The design of the church was the Gothic style of architecture. The church measures 70 ft. in length and 45 ft. wide. It can accommodate approximately 600 people. The steeple is 90 ft. high, and the bell from the ‘Old Established Bell Foundry’, Troy, New York, weighs over 750 lbs. The new church opened on July 10th, 1870, and officially adopted the name Salem.

From 1808 until 1924, the church was known as Salem Presbyterian and held to the traditions of the church of Scotland. In 1925, Salem Presbyterian voted to enter the newly formed United Church of Canada. Rev. John A. Forbes became the first minister of Salem United Church in 1926. Since 1926, there has been a total of 21 ministers and two major renovations to the interior of the church, one in 1930 and again in 1959.

Source: "Salem United Church. An Historical Account of the Congregation 1808 – 1990" by Dr. Ella (Watt) Sangster

Clubs: U.C.W. We are a small group that meets the second Wednesday of each month. We have devotions at each meeting and discuss fund raising and items to purchase for the church or manse.